The beloved Nativity comes to life in a small marionette theatre, complete with moving curtain and painted backdrops, created by Maritime Marionettes. The origin of the word “marionette” is a French word meaning “little Mary”, – marionettes have been telling the Nativity Story for centuries!
The joyous story of the baby Jesus, is told with marionette angels, shepherds, animals and kings and performed without narration, solely to favourite music box Christmas Carols.
This show is 15 minutes long and works well performed several times thought the day at a market, bazaar or Christmas event. At Alderney Landing Theatre, Dartmouth N.S. this sweet show can be seen during the Christkindlemarket.
Marionettes: Heather and Darryll Taylor
Sets: Heather Taylor
For More Information
Please contact us if you have any questions about booking a performance.